
Want to try it?

Our telehealth consultations allow you to get in touch with a chiropractor without having to attend a practice. Telehealth consultations are webcam-based consultation that will take up to 20 minutes for an existing patient or 45 minutes for a New Patient. There is no physical contact or hands-on therapy involved in these consultations.

In this consultation, your practitioner can take a detailed history, conduct an investigation virtually into your condition and send you a referral if any further tests are required. You may then be given a diagnosis and management advice that can include exercise, advice and general management.

Prior to the Telehealth consultation, you will be asked to download our rehabilitation application, Physiapp, from your Google Play store or the Apple store.

PhysiApp logo

Once the app is downloaded, its really easy to use:

  1. The chiropractor will start the video call
  2. The patient will receive an email invitation to join the call
  3. The patient logs in to Physiapp to accept the call

Get your diagnosis and treatment online

Exercises and protocols are live-streamed during the consultation

From there, we can load a personal care plan into the app that consists of various stretches, exercises and care for you to follow at home.

Exercises will include professionally narrated videos so you can do them properly. We’ll also be able to check-in on your progress via the app.